
Here are all the important people autographs that I have. Hover it to know more about them. If you wanna donate your autograph just send it to my e-mail with a brief description of why you are important.

The uberest boyfriend ever! Intelligent, hot, nice, cute... Everyone should have his autograph. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY!

The craziest friend in the world. You can find her autograph in e-bay.

He has a lot of porn sites, magazines, movies... You may see him sometime.

One of the best duelists online. He has won a lot of tourneys and he is really good looking xD

He's a GREAT singer and a very nice friend. Whenever you need advice just talk to him! He's really nice

He's honest, democrat, tall dark and handsome, smart, and he likes video games. He also knows kung-fu

Yeah Gerard! The My Chemical Romance vocalist! Can you believe it? He knows that I exist now! OMG! My boyfriend Shane got this autograph for me. Thanks a lot Shane!
Gerard (My Chemical Romance)

Marc! The Atreyu bassist! He's absolutely the hottest guy from Atreyu. I uber loooove him. Thanks for the autograph Shane!
Marc (Atreyu)

Yes! I know these guys! Nick and Roger from El Pollo Diablo. EPD is a local band from Montana, but I'm sure they'll be famous soon. Good luck guys! CAPTAIN SUPER!
Nick and Roger (El Pollo Diablo)

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